Entries from 2018-09-01 to 1 month

Who should build your professional business website? Web designer, web developer, graphic artist or graphic designer?

This isn’t a trick question, or is it…? It used to be much easier to answer. Back in early 2000 when web design reality was situated around ‘Is that person capable of creating a website?’ rather than ‘Is that person capable of designing a …

4 key skills of a Graphic Designer

A graphic artist of any kind is a person who may not necessarily possess the skills needed to be able to call themselves a graphic designer. On the other hand, not every graphic designer is an artist. You can learn the craft of design and …

Flat design vs depth in web design

By the time flat design was introduced in 2006 by Windows with their Zune player release, web designers were in a phase showing off their skills using flashy illustrations and animations that int their minds were to wow website visitors.

Minimalism in Web Design

Source: COLORPEAK Web Design & Marketing - Minimalism in Web Design When you think about minimalism in today’s websites, you most likely have a specific light-weight style in mind recognised across many fields. In many ways, the concept of…