Entries from 2018-01-01 to 1 year

Create interactive websites – Vistag review

I thought I’d drop a few words about Vistag as we’ve tested the tool a little bit on two of our now interactive websites (not e-commerce, yet…). The first website did not work due to, what we believe was Slider Revolution interference. Vis…

Who should build your professional business website? Web designer, web developer, graphic artist or graphic designer?

This isn’t a trick question, or is it…? It used to be much easier to answer. Back in early 2000 when web design reality was situated around ‘Is that person capable of creating a website?’ rather than ‘Is that person capable of designing a …

4 key skills of a Graphic Designer

A graphic artist of any kind is a person who may not necessarily possess the skills needed to be able to call themselves a graphic designer. On the other hand, not every graphic designer is an artist. You can learn the craft of design and …

Flat design vs depth in web design

By the time flat design was introduced in 2006 by Windows with their Zune player release, web designers were in a phase showing off their skills using flashy illustrations and animations that int their minds were to wow website visitors.

Minimalism in Web Design

Source: COLORPEAK Web Design & Marketing - Minimalism in Web Design When you think about minimalism in today’s websites, you most likely have a specific light-weight style in mind recognised across many fields. In many ways, the concept of…

5 Sectors Blockchain Is Disrupting That Are Not Cryptocurrency

Source: Colorpeak | For Business https://lucashawro.wordpress.com/2018/08/08/5-sectors-blockchain-is-disrupting-that-are-not-cryptocurrency/ For a few years now, “blockchain” and “cryptocurrency” have gone hand-in-hand. The blockchain conc…

Descartes was wrong: ‘a person is a person through other persons’

According to Ubuntu philosophy, which has its origins in ancient Africa, a newborn baby is not a person. People are born without ‘ena’, or selfhood, and instead must acquire it through interactions and experiences over time. So the ‘self’/…